Monday, February 19, 2007

todae was exam!..2dae was malay n english.i dun reali understand malay ppr.english was ful wif boring its ok.LIT,was fun.lyk olwaes. :) hapi bdae miss fernandez.hehe...
oya dian pass me de "sister's diary bk".it was soooo sec one.i laugh back wen i read back ol de entries.n how ALL of us,sisters,hated lina much much..soo immature.. :).
hehe..dat was sooo in de past. :)
im bored.
home alone.
fought wif lilin was lyk bad.i mit it was his bdae,n dere we were,fighting.over stupid stuff.lilin dearest,cn yu stop being too jealous?...muackx!
I am so lyk saloma.
n lilin is lyk vinod.
[lit babies wil understand wat im toking abt]
10:41 PM
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