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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

i just don get it..seriously..bt den again,mayb its de wae humans are created.their attitude.im nt saying dat im perfect n super-duper good.NO!..bt it is just de surrondings dat leads me to curiousity.i mean,i gt to admit,kids or even teenagers now are acting as if dis whole world are theirs.to de fact dat now he can see even a primary 1 kid,holding on to a ciggrate in his hands.puffing it as if ciggrates are lyk sweets.yap,mom was ryt.world is cuming to an end.
bt if most of us know dat whole is coming to an end,y wil dey not change?i mean,i noe its easy to sae,bt wen its up to doing it,its lyk leaving ur soul awae frm ur body.bt ppl should fear more abt wat wil happen to dem in de after-world ryt?
mom has been telling me abt her childhood daes n i realiase dat kids dat daes are more obident den kids yu see now,which includes me.
i mean,wats de point in gg religious class,if u fil lyk u're been force to.i mean i felt dat wae wen i ferst wen in andalus,bt as weeks past by,i m grateful i went dere coa i leart alot of ting.fer example,the after world n wat we wil get if we were good or bad.
i mean im just sick n tired abt dis similar scenario.wen A fights or dun reali B,A wil tend all her/his frens de badness abt B.thus,making ppl hate B.wen i tink back again,if A hates B,make sure oni A hates B.dun lyk tell de whole world dat A hates B.if let sae wateva A talks abt B is partially half correct,den A wil get sins fer telling lies ryt?
does anyone realiase dis?
hey,mayb wen yu ppl rea dis,ol wil b lyk "wat,now yu trying to act lyk an ustazah bt last tym yu oso do de same ting?"
yes i admit i was one,a person hu gossips.bt suddenly,2dae,it made me reflect myself in wat i've done over de years ive live.
im afraid to die..i mean he does nt.bt de fear reali shows how bad i was while living in de world.
thus,to anione,hu i once hurt,im sori n i hope it has been forgiven.
-i have ntg much more to sae-


9:33 PM
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helo ppl.


2&3 june,had nyt cycling event.
it was ok..i mean,by de end of de event,
my ass was killing me.
saw de en-naeem bois.
dey were fine.
bt i was super tired $ lepak de whole de through.

i will nt b able to blog,or go in frenster,or log on to msn
coz IM GG SABAH in dat period of tym.
i wil lyk super miss everybody back here is singapore..

meaning dat i wil nt b here on de 13 JUNE,
im soo sori dat im nt here to celebrate wif yu gerls.
bt i love yu both ok.
ltr if can i send telegram.

gg sabah means,
LESSER tym to finish up homework.
& oso means,im nt gg fer d'camp.
sori ayms.
bt insyallah i wil catch up wif ol of yu.

wish me all de best ppl.
pray dat i wil oso come back in one peace.

oya,mr lilin.
i wil CONFERM miss yu.
im so sori yu cnt celebrate ur
8th month anni on de 8th june wif ur gerl.

-haeqal babe,i wil miss yu!!


9:33 PM
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Friday, May 25, 2007


my saturdae was tiring..
i had tution at azie's.
& azie's mom[de great cook],
cooked spagetti fer lunch.
& de sauce was lyk SPICYLY SPICY.
& i try to tahan since im nt de person hu can handle realy hot stuffs.
& i manage.
we all did.

after dat,went andalus,to have madrasah.
oni lyk 6 ppl come.
& ku was nt dere AGAIN!
nvrm nvrm..
de whole dae did arabic since were lagging alot of arabice
n examinations were lyk ard de corner.

after dat went woodlands.
got forum.
so walked ard causewae point while waiting fer mummy.
had dinner wif MAT BISCUIT!!
he's a damn cute-ass.
so i enjoyed my nyt wif dat mat biscuit.
he is tooo cute fer me to resist!

dis morning,mummy FINALY,
i repeat,
FINALY decided dat i CAN do sabah!!!
mount kinabalu & mount trusmadi,
i was lyk yes!yes!yes!
n ol,

oh yes,
to farah,
im sooo sorri dat i let u down
by nt gg fer D'camp.
bt dun call me evil la sey.

so mayb,
if ntg goes wrong,
gg to look fer stuffs dat i dun hav to go to sabah.
n daddy was being a cutey-pie by volunteering to buy fer me
de head-torch.
u see,daddy let me go,bt not my mom.
n i tink daddy & me finaly convince my mom.
bt seriously,now, my mom is driving me to my grave.
nvrm, i can handle it.
i hope..

-call me soon ok.
coz im leaving soon.


5:28 PM
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hey ppl..
finally have a chance to blog..

went to esplanande to watch PHANTOM OF THE OPERA.
n guess wat?
i got de original musical cd of de show.
maybe i wil lend it to farah.
de show was amazing!!

had sports carnival.
me n my team won 3rd place fer floorball.
after dat,me n dian rushed back home.
as we had another plae OFF-CENTRE!!
n i was surprised dat we were early.
very early.
oyes..i met SHAFIQAH!!..
gosh i miss her man..
overall,de plae was sooo wat i dun expected sey.
i actualli cried.



last dae of school.
tym flies soooo fast.
n i m surely gonna miss miga.
had training at 3.00pm.
n it was lyk TIRING!!
went back to my aunt's wif eugene.
since it was lyk near.
so dat kambing biribiri did nt wanna go home ferst.
so ended up tokking wif him at de plaegrd infront of my aunt's blk.
n i brought down ifwat to let him plae.
n i think ifwat realli did recall eugene's knowledge abt tv programme.
ard 7,my aunt went down n went to my another aunt's house.
complicated sey.
went dere to make MASHMELLOW coated wif chocolate.
i tell yu it was HAEVEN!!

now,im bored.

i miss dat mr lilin la sey.


5:28 PM
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Saturday, April 21, 2007

my giler lover n me
im de coz of her craziness.

6:14 PM
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tell me i look decent

6:14 PM
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morning ppl.

basically,i haf ntg better to blog in,den my normal routine of life..

on fridae nyt,chatted wif dat ABANG wiwit mat jiwang.fun la sey chat wif him.hehe..den chatted wif miss fernandez,i tell yu,dat t'cher is hip cool n happening la sey.
todae,mayb gg out.wif?i dunno..huakhuak..im just bored.
did revision on bio n lit ysterdae.see..im a goody2 gerl. :)

so ysterdae,fer english tution,azie's cuzzie,izah came.she sooo cute.n it was her bdae ysterdae.soo....HAPI 16th BDAE.huakhuak.
andalus was normal.bt i was damn tired.finaly saw ku after fer sooo many weeks.he offered me CHOCLATES.huakhuak..



6:14 PM
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Friday, April 13, 2007

from bottom t top.
1 pic-me n buddybuddy akim[mb n ww]
2 pic-a random pic
3 pic-my ferst failure trial for de day
4 pic-mr rashid n miss wirda
5 pic-azie's sayangS..hehe

dis picsare taken on akim's bdae bash which is lyk,i dunno wen..
just gt it frm akim..so yar loh..

AKIM!!!..yu stil owe me a game
yeayea..it si olwaes after mids..hehe..


12:55 AM
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hey people.just came back from my aunt's house.due to me COLLECTING ifwat..huakhuak..hehe..had maths n literature class test.i tink i did better in maths den in lit.coz i did nt reali get de lit's ferst quetion.bt i tried my best.
YQ n azie were waiting infront of de class since de lit students went out late.lyk pernormal.went yishun wif YQ by mrt.we tokked.hehe..dun wori YQ!..yu haf us!!
:) love yu la sey.heehe.

i realized i have nt been such a good human.nvr did i care abt my exams,my prayers, n others.i told YQ just now dat i tink i realized dat i have to wake up frm my lala land n open up my sepet eyes.its ol in my hands now.to change or just stae lazy n wil regret tings ltr.i noe i can do it..i do i do.well,lyk i saed,it is ol up to me.

have nt been tokking to mr lilin fer a very2 long tym.bt made a promise dat he wil nvr be de reson fer me not doing well in my mid-year-exams.so wil do my best n wil try to prove dat i can do it la sey!

-i feel lyk dancing!-

12:55 AM
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helo welo delo people.

was malay exam.n surprisingly,i tink i did quite well..hehe..after sch,b4 de oral starts,dian,azie,izdi,yan qing n helmi went over to my house wif de intention of STUDYING!!..bt ended up watching a horror movie 'the park'.n hell yeah we scared ourselves olmost to de max.huakhuak...yan qing n her SHAUN!..hehe..
so went back to sch at ard 3.40pm.n went to de classroom to wait fer our turn respectively.after oral,azie,izdi,YQ n i,went to school library fer awhile since izdi n YQ wanted to research fer thier art tingy.
den izdi went back while azie,YQ n me went to get purselves mr softee. :).
yummy yummy.

had english oral.n i tink i kok-up abit.i gt mdm faridah. :).after oral went to hav my bio class test.n hell i was nt prepared.so just tried my best.den after bio,i realised it was nt 5.00pm.n i did wanna go home b4 mama reaches home.so stayed in school wif azie n did some revisions.den went to 711 to get ourselves mr softee each AGAIN!...haiyoo...bt it was soooo TEMPTING la sey..den mama asked me to wait fer her at khairi's house.so went dere n waited fer her..reached home at ard 9.00pm...YES YES SOUL FUSION IS IN DE FINALS!!!... :)

LIT BABIES,including me,ARE WATCHING PHANTOM OF THE OPERA N OFF CENTRE..watching phatom of the opera after our last dae of mid-year n off centre,4 daes later.
FRA,dun get jealous ok??
:) i stil love yu la sey...

olryt ppl,
im dead tired.


12:55 AM
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woke up n had a migrane n high fever.mom bought me to de nearest clinic n gt me checked by de doctor.den went back.n mom proceeded to work.i slept de whole dae while my aunt took care of ifwat.
at ard 3.15 i went of fer andalus n i was feeling quite ok.n i was bored at home.andalus was ok.oni 6 ppl came including me.i was early so sat wif mom ferst.
den after andalus went to sembawang,gt dis forum tingy n i had to help out.so went dere,did my prayers,helped ard n den just sit ard.took my medicine n just sit2 wif fra.den along camre ariff,aidil n aizat.
we had lots of fun cracking jokes.racisim jokes.wat a ting to do..hehe..

suppossing to go library wif ifwat,bt i was to lazy so i just stayed home.i had a BORING weekend la sey..huakhuakk..


12:55 AM
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ok ppl....have a new skin.
kindda cute dun yu tink??

haf a good weekend ppl.


12:55 AM
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just felt lyk putting dis 2 pics..


12:55 AM
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-love ya soo much n i hope everyting is fine in tamp...i soo miss yu..n hapi wishes.n i do hope yu wil haf fun on ur bdae.

i met aisyah went i was in kindergaten.in nursery to b exact.cool la sey.we were very very close.i rmbred olmost cmg to her house b4 skul starts.n we wil lyk do olmost everyting 2gether.wif de help of her oh-so-wonderful aunt,bibik lily.
we were nt in de same primary school.coz she was in yumin n i was in east spring.so we hardly met.den,she transfered sch wen we were in primary 3.we shy,but we manage to pull it through.we were in de same cca,NETBALL!!...n were closer n closer back again.
now,secondary life,we BARELY met up.since im in yishun n she,stil in tampines.but tanks to her cuzzie,which den turn to be my closefren,afif,me n aisyah met up again.tanks ALOT to afif.dat stoopid asshole clown-wanna-be guy.he is cute still

so aisyah,todae,yu wil turn 15.hoping dis dae,wil b one of the memorable dae in uf life.im soo sori i cnt blanje yu pizza.pokai dok..yu wait long2 til i gt dat certain money hokay?huakhuak....hope everytings fine.n i m here,wishing yu well...hope to mit up soon enough.buke together?..huakhuak..insyallah.

so,ntg interesting happen todae.so yar.ntg to blog abt.im home alone wif ifwat since my parents n dat izzat are out.im sooooo bored.REALY bored.its lyk been raining lyf forever la sey.oya,todae i had lit,n i had fun...YIPEE!..tol yu lit was interesting :)
oya,MAYBE *fingers cross*..de lit babies wil watch PHANTOM OF THE OPRAH.we are needed to pay oni $50 through our edusave....n hell m i exicted!!n i soooooo dying to watch it...so im praying hard we cn go...*hoping*
oya went home in de rain 2dae.fun la sey. :)

-u stil did nt turn n come to me to sae dat yu dun care.must i wait la until forever?..coz i cnt bother to wait dat long.bt i reali wanna noe wat yure tinking n wat yu fil.it reali kills me to noe abt dat.i reali hope u wil cum soon.

smooches ppl.

12:55 AM
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007


so 2dae my dad turns 40.cool...old man oreadi.he finaly haf de digit 4.huakhuak...i love yu soo much ayah!!

so todae azie did nt come to skul.n skul was hell boring w/o her ard..no fun!hmft,azie,make sure yu come 2ml i tel yu..huakhuak.

after skul went to mac's wig fathiyah,ram n yong xun.bt oni fer awhile.
ntg much happen 2dae.it was ol just a routine la sey.huakhuak.

i just wish he wil come to me n sae dat he does nt care abt me,he love me no more n is interested in other gerls n i m no where near his heart..i just wish he wil sae dat ryt nw,straight up to my face.so i wil nt haf STOOOOPID tinkings abt me n him.it just SUCK la sey.n obviously i wil b hurt IF HE DID DAT,but atleast i noe wats ion his mind n finaly noe he treats me lyk a fren n ntg much.its sooo sucky.seriously.damn la!ARRGGHHH!...so to dat 'him' prove it to me dat i m no where found in ur heart again...

n ppl,i ain't talking abt mr bf ok..he is PERFECTLY fine.i hope. :)


12:43 AM
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Saturday, April 07, 2007

ysterdae,last saturdae,070407.

met izdi at khatib mrt at 08.06am.den proceeded to city hall to mit de others.n miss fernandez was lyk hell LATE!!..huakhuakk..nvrm nvrm..forgiven..we waited for asy n ram..n den lina...n russshhhh to de courthouse n padang n grap every imagery we saw.

we den proceeded to our RIVERCRUISE!!..huakhuakk...it was F-U-N!.haha...it really gave me de bouding between ol 17 lit students.i really really learned alot.lyk our history.n really can see de changes we've made.incredible..so de boat drop us at de merlion tingy.n i met SRI!!.as in sri from esps..n i was soooo HAPI!.its been ages since i last saw her.

now,DE GREAT PART!...WE HAD A TOUR ARD ESPLANADE N WAS IN DE THEATRE WHERE PHANTOM OF THE OPRAH WAS HELD..WE GOT DE BEST SEATING ARRAGMENT.WE DID NOT WATCH DE SHOW,BUT BEING DERE,gaqve us some ideas lyk how it will b.our last tour stop was de library..n i soooo love de library's DANCE ROOM!..all de books were ol ard dance. n de room was so nice n cozy.. :)

we had lunch at LJS.had combo 1.n bounded even more wif dian.miss fernandez n felcity.it was FUN!..

wanted to proceed wif our picnic,but de weather did not permits,so headed to somerset n went to de library.we did our activity dere n wrote poem...i actually wrote a POEM!...dere,bouded wif dian.lina n miga...after dat,me lina n dian went to AFT FREIN.i wanted to see if SYAZWAN was dere,bt he was nt..auwww..i tink he stopped working dere oreadi..huakhuak.

den,we rush to cineliesure,coz we were LATE for our movie...huakhuakk..we ran thorugh de rain n headed to de cinema.we watched FREEDOM WRITERS.i tel yu its a super nice,inspiaring movie..i cried..n its based on A TRUE STORY.DE BOOK IS OUT 'THE FREEDOM WRITTERS DIARY'.u ol should grab it.its realy2 nice.n yu can realy learn abt racism,prejudice,n de gangs...de situation was abit lyk 'to kill a mockingbird'.

den me,ram,ady n yong xun went to heeren..n i saw KAK WIRDA!!.huakhuak..a gerl who i noe hu has de same name as me...n its was nice to mit her again..huakhuak..so walked2 at heeren,n saw PHIZIE!!..haha...gosh i miss her...den after enough rounding,we procceded back home.n my dae ended dere.



smooches ppl.

7:13 PM
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

helo welo delo to the people of de world =)
its tuesdae,09.16am,and im not in school..ahaha..was nt feeling dat well n mom decided to put me in my aunt's place since she is working todae.ahahaxx.

de past sundae,went to m'sia.lakin.ahaha..i had a WONDERFUL tym shopping n shopping wif my aunts n cuzzies...hehe...bt minus out de staring of de mats n minahs m'sia,it was overall ok.=)
i shop lyk i nvr shop b4.n my aunt lyk bought me a wallet.n i SOOO love it...tankies mak enon!=)
haha..had breakfast at de mac at lakin..it was ok.n de ice lemon tea got my eye twitching.haha..damn sour la.ahaha...

i realy wanna shake my ass out man.bt lately been very incredibely busy.n since RAM went london fer 2 weeks,sch lyk haf been borind n nt fully loud.i miss bullying RAM!..ahaha..come baack soon ok ram?..hehe..


6:15 PM
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its now lyk april...wohhoo..wait!meaning dere is lyk less den 1 month to mid-year examination.SHUCKS!..

on fridae,300307
after school,dian n helmi went over to my crib to just laz ard.bt helmi went off at 2.30.n azie came FINALY!..so it was lyk oni de 3 of us...n we watched GREASE!..wohoo!!dian was lyk such a pigpig.n she was lyk excited fer olmost aniting.huakhuak.so cute of her. :)

had breakfast n macdonald's if ifwat n cik bidah.felt high coz i had coffee.huakhuak.oya went to lyk wats kol ANDALUS!...bt it was much better dis week coz MOM was dere.she gt transfer.yippee!! :) had to do project together wif 4 bois.huakhuak..i cn just lyk pray hard n TAWAKAL!..huakhuak.next week NOT CMG ANDALUS cos im having literature learning journey frm 9.30am til 6.00...were having a picnic by de singapore river n wil b watching 'freedom writers' at orchard.n we r wearing HOMECLOTHES!..n dats wat i LOVE abt lit...coz our lit mummy,realy tries her best to make our lesson as interesting as possible.n i mean INTERESTING!!..huakhuak..so mayb miting azie after 6.00..see how la.

huakhuak..bt did nt fool or fooled anione.im an angel..huakhuak...went oyur at 7.30 n procceded to woodlands.had no idea wat bus to take as soon as i reach de interchange n i asked dis lady if she noes.n dis nice lady helped me :) so nice of her...hehee...otw,met de bois n borrowd jat's hp to ring fanaa up.dey were otw..so i waited n dey came.fanaa was ol exicted.huakhuak.played captain's ball fer de AYM..hehe..it was a blast.n we gt to noe COOL N ROCK-ON neneks n makciks hu plays captain ball.AGGRESIVE GILER!!..we olso swap contact numbers wif de darulsalam makciks.dere sooooo super NICE N COOL!..how i wish my moms lyk dem..huakuak...no worries i tink i should b grateful of wat i have now..

ive been hearing abt comments on how peopple actualy 'COMPLIMENT' my mom's n mine dressing.n its so irritating.helo,cn yu ATLEAST look infront of de mirror n see ur dressings ferst before 'COMPLIMENTING' on others? n stop being such a hypocrite,hanging ard us n put on a PLAY and act as if ntg has happen..it is soo SUPER annoying.bt den again,mom saed i or WE should nt care,jus make sure we are comfartable in wat we are wearing,n b confident is dat dressing n dun CARE wat ppl have to talk abt u..dey ol cowards n hycorites hu oni do wat dey please.


5:24 AM
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hey people..
dere is a taggy in my bloggy olready..

so dian,
yan qing,

i satisfy all of ur needs by putting a blog..

hapi tagging ar ppl.

or ya if dere happen to be any 'disturbens',
immature people hu tags de taggy,
i wil nt layan..
so yu ol shiok sendiri la eh..


5:24 AM
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