Tuesday, March 20, 2007
helo welo delo to the people of de world =)
its tuesdae,09.16am,and im not in school..ahaha..was nt feeling dat well n mom decided to put me in my aunt's place since she is working todae.ahahaxx.
de past sundae,went to m'sia.lakin.ahaha..i had a WONDERFUL tym shopping n shopping wif my aunts n cuzzies...hehe...bt minus out de staring of de mats n minahs m'sia,it was overall ok.=)
i shop lyk i nvr shop b4.n my aunt lyk bought me a wallet.n i SOOO love it...tankies mak enon!=)
haha..had breakfast at de mac at lakin..it was ok.n de ice lemon tea got my eye twitching.haha..damn sour la.ahaha...
i realy wanna shake my ass out man.bt lately been very incredibely busy.n since RAM went london fer 2 weeks,sch lyk haf been borind n nt fully loud.i miss bullying RAM!..ahaha..come baack soon ok ram?..hehe..
6:15 PM
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its now lyk april...wohhoo..wait!meaning dere is lyk less den 1 month to mid-year examination.SHUCKS!..
on fridae,300307
after school,dian n helmi went over to my crib to just laz ard.bt helmi went off at 2.30.n azie came FINALY!..so it was lyk oni de 3 of us...n we watched GREASE!..wohoo!!dian was lyk such a pigpig.n she was lyk excited fer olmost aniting.huakhuak.so cute of her. :)
had breakfast n macdonald's if ifwat n cik bidah.felt high coz i had coffee.huakhuak.oya went to lyk wats kol ANDALUS!...bt it was much better dis week coz MOM was dere.she gt transfer.yippee!! :) had to do project together wif 4 bois.huakhuak..i cn just lyk pray hard n TAWAKAL!..huakhuak.next week NOT CMG ANDALUS cos im having literature learning journey frm 9.30am til 6.00...were having a picnic by de singapore river n wil b watching 'freedom writers' at orchard.n we r wearing HOMECLOTHES!..n dats wat i LOVE abt lit...coz our lit mummy,realy tries her best to make our lesson as interesting as possible.n i mean INTERESTING!!..huakhuak..so mayb miting azie after 6.00..see how la.
huakhuak..bt did nt fool or fooled anione.im an angel..huakhuak...went oyur at 7.30 n procceded to woodlands.had no idea wat bus to take as soon as i reach de interchange n i asked dis lady if she noes.n dis nice lady helped me :) so nice of her...hehee...otw,met de bois n borrowd jat's hp to ring fanaa up.dey were otw..so i waited n dey came.fanaa was ol exicted.huakhuak.played captain's ball fer de AYM..hehe..it was a blast.n we gt to noe COOL N ROCK-ON neneks n makciks hu plays captain ball.AGGRESIVE GILER!!..we olso swap contact numbers wif de darulsalam makciks.dere sooooo super NICE N COOL!..how i wish my moms lyk dem..huakuak...no worries i tink i should b grateful of wat i have now..
ive been hearing abt comments on how peopple actualy 'COMPLIMENT' my mom's n mine dressing.n its so irritating.helo,cn yu ATLEAST look infront of de mirror n see ur dressings ferst before 'COMPLIMENTING' on others? n stop being such a hypocrite,hanging ard us n put on a PLAY and act as if ntg has happen..it is soo SUPER annoying.bt den again,mom saed i or WE should nt care,jus make sure we are comfartable in wat we are wearing,n b confident is dat dressing n dun CARE wat ppl have to talk abt u..dey ol cowards n hycorites hu oni do wat dey please.
5:24 AM
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hey people..
dere is a taggy in my bloggy olready..
so dian,
yan qing,
i satisfy all of ur needs by putting a blog..
hapi tagging ar ppl.
or ya if dere happen to be any 'disturbens',
immature people hu tags de taggy,
i wil nt layan..
so yu ol shiok sendiri la eh..
5:24 AM
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Monday, March 19, 2007
hey peeps..gosh its oreadi de 2nd dae of school..n im lyk stil in my hols mood..dreaming awae..bt hey..i start paying attention in class.. :)..hehehe..
im bored.
; i miss yu lots
wirda izzati bte sulaimi
11:59 PM
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Friday, March 16, 2007
hey ppl.
hope yu haf a great 15th bdae
spending great tym wif ur love ones.
i love yu to bits n pieces!
wonkie donkie slonkie..
i haf a confession to make,
kakaks,we seriously have to mit up!
trio gerls out.
bt contact me through my crib
since i no longer use my hp.
i met aini n nabilah on december holidaes,or lyk wat nabilah did once mention to me, its on 17 dec 05..cool huh...met them went we were in de some grp pto a trip to pulau ubin..dis beautiful ladies r lyk 2 years older den me,bt i m nvr been left out..i love dem n their company...sharing secrets,n hothot stories...hehe...auuww..too bad our bfs haf a connection of crisis somwhow..damn!..ehhe...its ok,coz we r still cool ryt?
ok,2mls plan..
-gg m;sia wif aunt
-finish up hols homework..
mondae,we wil b gg to swenson's straight after sch,
coz tmr is de due date..
i HOPE all of yu can make it.
aniting,just kol my crib.
wirda izzati bte sulaimi
11:56 PM
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
hey ppl..
god am i super duper bored..very bored.so ryt now,dian is sailing,maybe even capsized..haha..n azie is on the zoo trip wif her family..so ltr miting my aunts to go to vivo since mom is working.
had a blast wif my family.it was a family dae out.haha..we ate lunch at CHANGI VILLAGE n wen i was in de car,i swear de memories mrbf&i had spent dere,made me laugh.i seriiously miss him..god noes hw much i truly miss bf...ANIWAE,we went to some houses coz parents wanted to gif dem de oleh-oleh frm mekkah.haha..it was sooo lyk hari raya..n i swear i ate alot..n i mean ALOT!...went to marine parade.n guess wat?we flew kites.cheap kites dat dad bought last minute.ahaha..it was sooo FUN!..hey.its been long since im last flew a kite ok!...n wen i gt tired,i went over wif ifwat to blow BUBBLES!..i soo fil lyk a kid..bt it was heeps of fun.esp wif dat ifwat wafiq.hehe..i was so nice.damn!my camera is spoilt..if nt i tell yu,i wil camwhore..ahaha..
lately,ive been pist by my mom.arrggh!!..she FINALY knew i flung in my ca1..n she kept nagging nagging n nagging none stop.argh!and wenever she is mad,she wil pucsh de blame on me.wth!..me n my oh-so-laser mouth,'talk back to her'.i just cnt stand it...wen i dun wan to tok,she ask me to tok,n wen i tok,she wil sae 'mind ur words young lady'...diam salah,tak diam pn sala..haiyoo..
okok..i seriously haf to get ready to go vivo...weeeee...
-oyes,i miss AFIF n his crap
-i miss bimbomon n slutmon
-n most of ol,i miss *smile*
wirda izzati bte sulaimi
10:59 PM
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Monday, March 12, 2007
heli ppl..
so todae,went to skul to help miss fernandez wif de homeroom wif dian,helmi n barbie doll hairul.after dat went mac to makan.lepak wif dem fer awhile n went back to my aunt's crib.
my niece,mirrah rifqah razwani's bdae.2 years old bdae party..went dere wif mommy n 2 brothers.met aunts,uncles,niece n couzins!!I so love my abg sedare's 'the use' t-shirt..n wen i compliment HIS shirt,he was lyk 'oo..dis is my fren's t shirt'..i was lyk..wth!hehe..after dat proceeded to vivocity wif my uncle's LORRY!..it was so hell fun..wif de kecoh-ness of all the cuzzins and anties..went to daiso n shop!..ahaha..
ntg much happen todae...supposingly,wednesdae gg to zoo wif azie,yan qing n dian..bt was cancelled since oni me n azie cn make it..so azie is gg wif her family instead..gosh i miss azie!
bie,i miss yu.sorie fer nt been koling.i lost ur crib's no.TERdelete..bt i wil ask ard. muakies!
wirda izzati bte sulaimi
2:58 AM
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Wednesday, March 07, 2007
2ml,thursdae,080307 wil be..
haha..its fast..close open eyes,5 months oreadi..actuali if mr lilin n his gf nvr break up dey oreadi lasted fer 10 months.haha..dis is wat mr lilin's gf haf to sae..
to dear mr lilin,
ur gf SAED dat
she misses de tyms both of yu spend together,
she treasures every moment of it,
she is hapi wif yu,
she loves yu deary n badly,
she has olwaes been tinking abt yu 24/7,
she gives ol her heart out,
she misses yu badly,
she needs ur tender touch,
she needs a warm loving hug,
she needs the long nyt rides,
she needs de love,
she wil do ANITING just to mit up wif yu,
she is sooo wanting to see yu,
she hopes dat yu r olryt,
she misses de song 'permata hati' which was written JUST fer her,
she is just out of words to descride de love she haf fer yu.
all dis,
from ur gf,
mr lilin's gf.
see...im sooo good to write down wat mr lilin's gf wants mr lilin to noe wat she fils towards him...hehe... :)
so..2dae helped miss fernandez to paint n decorate de lit class room..wif oh-so-nice izdiharna n oh-so loving dian. :)
ntg much happen 2dae.was reali2 slipy 2dae.dun ask y.ahahaha...
yu stil haf nt gif me de grease dvd!
2:49 AM
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Thursday, March 01, 2007
de memories deep within :) enjoy ppl :)

---kak nurul,kak ct, wirda---

---when NO BOUNDRIES gt 2nd in de dance competition---

---my ferst ever cheerleading---

---de babes---

---bimbomon,bitchmon,slutmon--- :)

---nyp robotics---[2005]


---de camp where i started knowing lilin--- :)

---celebrating kak dee n mok's bdae wif aym---

---azie,wirda,julie---ART FREN

---fida,wirda,azie---julie's open house


---where ol de boundries began--- :)

---when fra n i gt ever closer--- :)

---kak mai n wirda--- <3>

---de giler2 buddy i ever had---
--- :) ---

--wirda n dian-